This menu bar app monitors your MacBook when left unattended, detecting tampering, alerting the user, and capturing images of the perpetrator.
Mac security is important, but often overlooked. Protect your Mac from common threats like viruses, thieves and snoops.
Check out these Mac Menu Bar Security Apps:
Mac security is important, but often overlooked. Protect your Mac from common threats like viruses, thieves and snoops.
Check out these Mac Menu Bar Security Apps:
This menu bar app monitors your MacBook when left unattended, detecting tampering, alerting the user, and capturing images of the perpetrator.
This menu bar app lets you lock and unlock your Mac with your iPhone, Apple Watch, or any other Bluetooth low energy devices.
This menu bar app automatically shuts down your Mac if an unidentified USB device is plugged in. It continuously monitors USB ports for device activity, even in sleep mode
This menu bar app locks your Mac when walking away with your iPhone or Apple Watch. Unlock doesn’t require pairing with your iOS/watchOS device.