Reduce unnecessary background activity. Dreamless automatically turns off Bluetooth/Wi-Fi when the Mac goes to sleep, and turns them back on when it wakes up.
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Prevent your Mac from entering sleep mode. Specify sleep and wake settings.
Check out these Sleep Control Apps:
Prevent your Mac from entering sleep mode. Specify sleep and wake settings.
Check out these Sleep Control Apps:
Reduce unnecessary background activity. Dreamless automatically turns off Bluetooth/Wi-Fi when the Mac goes to sleep, and turns them back on when it wakes up.
This menu bar app disables the clamshell mode and puts your MacBook to sleep when the lid is closed.
Stim prevents your Mac from going to sleep or keeps its screen from dimming. It can also keep your Mac awake only when running a specific program.
This simple menu bar app brings back the option to set a timer at the end of which your Mac goes into sleep mode (removed from macOS Ventura and Sonoma).