You like basketball? Check NBA in your menu bar. It’s free and open source.
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Browse through the complete list of menu bar apps. Most recently added apps on top – last updated: December 9, 2024.
You like basketball? Check NBA in your menu bar. It’s free and open source.
Make sure the text you’re designing isn’t too light in your interface designs with Contrast. Combine this simple little menu bar app with your favorite design tool and design with accessibility in mind.
CoconutBattery shows you live information about the battery quality in your Mac, iPhone and iPad. You can also save the current health information, so you can see the changes of your battery over time.
mCast is a podcast player in your menu bar, with a iOS like UX/UI. You can browse/search podcasts from different regions and categories.
AccessMenuBarApps removes the problem of viewing menu bar icons on laptop displays. This utility allows you to expand your menu bar when you need it.