Weather Guru
Keep updated with the latest weather forecast information in your menu bar. Weather Guru taps into a multitude of weather data providers to present the most accurate hourly forecasts possible.
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Browse through the complete list of menu bar apps. Most recently added apps on top – last updated: September 11, 2024.
Keep updated with the latest weather forecast information in your menu bar. Weather Guru taps into a multitude of weather data providers to present the most accurate hourly forecasts possible.
Align, arrange and move any window to your needs. WindOCD is a menu bar application that doesn’t show up in your dock.
Noizio is an ambient sound equalizer that helps you relax and increase your productivity when as you’re trying to concentrate on work. Just click on the icons, which represent different ambient sounds, and drag the slider to increase or decrease the volume of the sound. This app comes in handy when you go to coffee shops often just for the background noise.