Start a timer in seconds, try the Pomodoro technique or just looking for a (world)clock in your menu bar?

Check out these Mac Menu Bar Time Apps:

Stand Up

Stand up app

This menu bar app reminds you to take a break as often as you want. And you can’t trick it: it knows exactly when you’re away from the keyboard.


Take a break – timer, reminder


Use ‘Take a break’ to remind you to take regular breaks that help you relieve eye strain. As the doctor mentions, every 20 minutes spent using a screen, look away at something that is 20 feet away for a total of 20 seconds.




SelfControl saves you from the meaningless waste of time of websites like Facebook, Twitter or any other website you stick for hours. Simply add the websites which distract you from your work, set the timer and turn it on.

Visit Watch



This menubar clock replaces the limited time app in the menubar with a drop-down menu of the current time/date in any city in the world, time & date simultaneously in any format, font or color, instant calendar, stopwatch, moon phase, floating clocks, and much more.

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