Mac security is important, but often overlooked. Protect your Mac from common threats like viruses, thieves and snoops.

Check out these Mac Menu Bar Security Apps:



WiFiSpoof is a menu bar app that gives you a quick overview of the current state of your Mac’s network devices. It also protects your privacy while surfing public Wi-Fi networks.


Pareto Security

pareto app

This menu bar app checks regularly your Mac’s security configuration. No more facepalms when you realize you accidentally left your firewall or disk encryption disabled. The app code is fully open-sourced.

Visit Watch



MiniKey is a one time password generator for two-factor authentication. It lets you copy generated codes with a click, and drag codes from MiniKey into authenticating apps.


1Password mini

1password mini

1Password mini gives you instant access to everything you have saved in 1Password. It also automatically detects the app or website you have open and suggests relevant logins and passwords to fill.
