All Windows Appear
With this menu bar app you click one window, and it will bring all related windows of that app to the front.
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Managing all those windows on your Mac can be frustrating. It requires precision control of your mouse or trackpad. Luckily a window manager allows you to customize how windows are handled, so you can move, resize and rearrange them quickly.
Check out these Mac Menu Bar Window Managers:
Managing all those windows on your Mac can be frustrating. It requires precision control of your mouse or trackpad. Luckily a window manager allows you to customize how windows are handled, so you can move, resize and rearrange them quickly.
Check out these Mac Menu Bar Window Managers:
With this menu bar app you click one window, and it will bring all related windows of that app to the front.
Spaces Renamer allows you to rename your spaces. The menu bar app supports multiple monitors, and highlights the current space in each monitor with an outline.
Align, arrange and move any window to your needs. WindOCD is a menu bar application that doesn’t show up in your dock.